
What’s up everyone it’s Coach Byron from Bluprint Fitness and I was working out earlier and a thought popped in my head about how boring workout routines have become the norm.  Routines Like: Chest & Back + Cardio Or Legs & Abs + Cardio Or Going Running Your Only Form of Exercise If one of...
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If you are like me, you are always searching for ways to make eating healthy both easy and enjoyable. You also probably get overwhelmed with the amount of nutritional information that’s out there. So I’m jumping on today to talk about 3 simple things you can do to create a balanced approach to your nutrition....
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While the Winter season brings so many good things like holidays and get togethers, it can also bring the Winter Blues ?. You know what I’m talking about: Daylight gets shorter, it gets harder to get out of bed on time in the morning, and you sometimes have a feeling that can only be described...
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Whether travel is for fun or for business, it’s sure to throw us off our normal routine. So let’s chat about 3 things we can do to minimize the damage during travel. #1 Book A Place w/ Gym Access If you are like me, you thrive with having a dedicated space for exercise. And I...
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We all know how valuable support is when it comes to staying on track and reaching our health & fitness goals. And that support starts with your partner or significant other. Now you may be thinking this is a narrative about how to get your partner to join a gym, but it’s not. Fact is,...
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We are all different. I have a problem with dietary recommendations that are one size fits all. Although our DNA is 99.9% the same, crazy I know, that .1% actually makes a huge difference and is what gives us all our uniqueness 😉 This is referred to as polymorphisms for those of you who are interested...
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