
October 29, 2020
Bluprint Fitness – BPFIT Warm-up PT/TMC/Air Squat 2×10/10/10 (NR) Rack Rotation + FS 2×10/5 @ Bar (30s) Conditioning Grind Games 20.3 (Time) 7RFT 7 Thruster (S-AC to 55/75, Rx-65/95) 7 Burpee Bar Hops (S-Step, Rx-Jump) *Record Time Mobilize Static Scorpion Stretch (1 Min Each) Wall Stretch (1 Min Each) OH Triceps Stretch (1 Min Each)...
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Ingredients 2 Cups GF Flour (I use Bod Redmill 1-to-1 Baking Flour)1 TBS Baking Powder1 Cup Cold Milk (I use Oatly Oat Milk)6 TBS Cold Butter (I use Kerrygold)3 TBS Cane Sugar½ Tsp Sea Salt Instructions Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Combine dry ingredients (flour, baking powder, sugar, salt). Dice butter into small cubes first...
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“What’s my plan?” This is a common question most busy professionals ask themselves when it comes to creating a health & fitness routine. Luckily BluPrint takes most of the guesswork out with top notch programming. We Pride ourselves in creating an easy to follow plan, but still being able to ride the GAINZ train as...
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