
Ingredients 3-4 Cups Shredded Cabbage 1 Cup Shredded Carrots 1 Cup Shredded Lacinato Kale 2 TBS Apple Cider Vinegar 2 TBS Olive or Walnut Oil 1Tsp Mustard 2 TBS Brown Sugar Salt and Pepper to Taste Instructions Rinse and shred up veggies. I bought the cabbage shredded, used a cheese grater for the carrots, and rinsed and sliced the kale up nice and thin. Whisk other ingredients in a small bowl and combine with shredded veggies. Toss and enjoy! Awesome side dish for BBQ meats.
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Ingredients (Byron Style) 1 Scoop Unflavored Protein Powder (Currently using 100% Nutra-Bio Brand) 1/2 Cup Frozen Raspberries 1/2 Frozen Banana 1 Silk Almond Milk Vanilla Yogurt 1/2 Cup Water (this can be adjusted based on desired texture) Instructions Add all ingredients to blender or magic bullet to whip up as an afternoon snack. For an added crunch, sprinkle 1 plain rice cake (all broken up) or granola on top and mix it in for texture. The ingredients above are interchangeable with their similar counterparts based on your personal likes and what you have available. If you are looking to add some veggie love – try a handful of spinach!
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Ingredients (Big Batch = About 18 small 4-inch pancakes) 2 Cups Buckwheat Flour 2 Cups Almond Milk (I use Calafia Farms) 2 Tbs Maple Syrup (You could sub a banana here if you didn’t want to do the MS) 1 Tsp Sea Salt 2 Tsp Baking Powder 2 Eggs 2 Tbs Melted Butter (I use Kerigold Salted) 1 Tsp Cinnamon 2 Tsp Vanilla Extract Instructions Combine ingredients. Heat skillet to medium-low and coat pan lightly with butter before each pancake pour. I usually make three 4-inch pancakes in the large skillet at a time. Once they start to bubble, flip them over. Remove once cooked through. Enjoy! I personally like to eat mine with a little butter and honey, but have also jammed out with some Sunflower Seed Butter and Jelly sandwich style, the obvious maple syrup and butter OR a breakfast sandwich with Jake’s Canadian Bacon/Sweet Plantains/Eggs Over-Easy.
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Ingredients 1 lb Ground Turkey 1 Organic White Onion 1 Organic Green Pepper 1 Package Organic Button Mushrooms 1 TBS Kerigold Butter 10-15 Kalamata Olives (optional) 2 Cans Fire Roasted Diced Tomatoes w/Green Chilis (Trader Joe’s) 1 Tsp Sea Salt 1 Tsp Parsley 1 Tsp Oregano White Rice Noodles 1 TBS Raw White Cheddar Cheese Instructions Chop onion, pepper, mushrooms and heat in skillet on medium with butter. Start a pot of water to boil to prepare the noodles. Based on the noodles they will probably cook for about 5 minutes and then should be drained and rinsed with cold water so they don’t stick together. Once the veggies start to soften (about 5 min) add the turkey and cook through until no longer pink. Add tomatoes, salt, parsley, oregano, and chopped olives. Cook on low for 5 additional minutes so the flavors can develop. Serve over noodles and top...
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Ingredients 2-3 lbs Chicken Breast ½-3/4 Cup Franks Red Hot Sauce ½ Tsp Sea Salt 2 Tbs Butter ¼ Cup Coconut Milk (Canned) Add-ons: Wild Rice, Spinach, Feta Cheese Instructions Throw chicken Breast into CrockPot on low for 6 hours. When finished, mix the chicken with a fork so it shreds up and reabsorbs juice. Add salt, Franks Red Hot Sauce, butter, and coconut milk. Mix together until evenly distributed. Serve over wild rice and raw spinach with some crumbled feta cheese on top.
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