Discipline Over Motivation


Discipline Over Motivation

This chat is about one of the MOST important concepts to understand when it comes to reaching your health & fitness goals.

Now in today’s world, we have access to all things information when it comes to health & fitness and having that much information can be quite overwhelming. You know what I’m talking about, fad diets, fad workouts, and professionals claiming one way of living is the only way to reach your health & fitness goals.

I’m here to tell you that if you understand this concept, you’ll be able to block out that noise and have no choice but to crush your goals.

This concept is: Discipline Over Motivation.

Discipline is defined as orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior. In other words, what you commit to doing on a regular basis.

Motivation is defined as the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way. In other words, what drives us to complete certain tasks.

While motivation is something that can and will fluctuate, discipline is a trait that can be trained to become an unwavering force in your life.

So how do we apply this concept to our health & fitness?

Step 1: We accept that life is hard.

It doesn’t matter how privileged of a person you are, life is hard. And the stressors of life can weigh heavy on our heads without outlets to keep our minds on track. Accepting that life will have its ups and downs is step one to adopting a disciplined lifestyle.

Step 2: We make a plan.

This Brian Tracy quote has always stuck in my head. “A goal without a plan is only a dream”. And having a plan in place can help us stay on track and learn to be disciplined with our health & fitness routines.

Step 3: We stick to the plan.

Sounds simple right. But this is MOST important when life gets hard. When it’s not super convenient to get your workout in. When motivation is at a low in the middle of Winter and it’s hard to get to the gym or meal prep. Sticking to the plan applies to life when it’s easy and when it’s hard.

Bluprint Fitness is a coaching program that helps busy professionals build the body and lifestyle they can be proud of year round.

And part of the program is helping adults learn to be disciplined because motivation won’t always be high.

So if you, or anyone you know, is ready to create your ideal lifestyle and start reaching goals, fill out our online forms HERE or reach out to a Bluprint coach and we’ll point you in the right direction.

Hope everyone is having a great week and go WIN THE DAY.