I have a funny little love/hate relationship with the CF Open. Mostly because it shows me I am capable of more than I thought, WHILE also showing me where I can improve. Having to modify all the workouts last CF Open because I had a little baby guy in my belly I was definitely excited and scared to see what this season would show me.
To be fair, the only thing I expect out of the CF Open every year is to try to improve myself from the year before. Newsflash…it turns out I am not going to the CF Games?? Previous to having Braxton, I was definitely moving myself up every year and very excited to be in the Age Groups now…getting “older” has its perks. But with the labor and postpartum not going exactly as I planned I truly had no idea what to expect.
I can say, it went MUCH better than anticipated and I learned a ton about my new mom bod.
- I found out I can do box jumps without creating any negative postpartum symptoms.
- I found out a moderate barbell for a ton of reps was not something my pelvic floor loved, which is to be expected.
- I found out I still have my gymnastics base, now I just have to give myself some grace as I build my volume back up.
- Lastly, I found out I can still do Double Unders in small volumes but probably not something my body is ready for on the regular.
I had some really proud moments and some “ok Janelle we aren’t there yet” moments as well.
All things I would have likely avoided unless something like the Open came around and made me take that step out of my current mommy comfort zone.
As an anxious athlete, the CF Open does what it always does for me…it pushes me to try a little harder, lift a little heavier, and believe in myself a little more. The magic is still real for me and that’s exciting.
As a coach…I get to see the Open work its magic in my athletes as well.
- I saw a first BMU from an athlete who had ZERO intentions of even trying one until a nudge was given before the workout even started – LOL.
- I saw athletes conquering the upside down who were once afraid of the upside down.
- And I saw athletes lifting a weight they were totally prepared for but needed the extra push to believe in their bodies.
I am not sure why it takes an event like the CF Open to make us test the waters as athletes a little, but I know we become better athletes for it and we always learn something about ourselves along the way.
Murph is the next big event to see what our bodies are capable of.
We do it every year and every year I am challenged in new ways and improve in others. That’s the fun part about it – as with the season of life I am in, I will take on this next challenge with the same mindset of the CF Open. Where am I right now? How will I evolve over the training period? What is my body ready for and capable of? Time to test the waters again and see what this mom bod can accomplish.
I am pumped to watch my athletes do the same as they continue to grow every year. It turns out that a little anxiety and a whole lot of believing in yourself can go a long way!
Coach Janelle

And if you’re not a Bluprint athlete yet, and want some structured encouragement to get a little outside of your comfort zone and get the results you want – shoot us a quick message HERE and we’ll start you on your journey towards your best self!