Bluprint Fitness – BPMURPH


2 Min Row/Ride/Ski

PT/TMC/Air Squat 2×10/10/10 (30s)

Basic Kip 2×10 (Group Rotation)


Murph (Time)

For Time:

1-Mile Run

100 Pull-ups

200 Push-ups

300 Air Squats

1-Mile Run

If you have a 20# vest or body armor, wear it.
In honor of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, NY, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
To learn more about Murph click here
Pull-up Options:

(S1-Jumping/RR, S2-Chin, Rx-Vested 14/20)

Push-Up Options:

(S1-Elevated/ Knee, S2-C2F, Rx-Vested 14/20)

Air Squat Options:

(Rx-Vested 14/20)

*Record Total Time, Variation Completed, Rep Scheme Details for future reference

*Break Up As Needed – Half, 3/4, and Full Variations


Kneeling Lat Stretch (1 Min Each)

Chest Stretch (1 Min Each)

Pigeon Pose (1 Min Each)