Bluprint BINGO
How It Works:
Play Bluprint BINGO from November 1st – Friday Prior to Holiday Party to get registered into our Holiday Raffle! To enter, grab a Bingo board from the gym (week of 11/9). Each time you complete one of the tasks on the board, inform a Bluprint Coach when you are in the gym and they will mark off that square.
- Each line of 5 tasks completed (Left, Right, or Diagonal) will earn 1 ticket into the GENERAL PRIZE drawing. Prizes include: gift cards (Nike, Lululemon, etc.), Cases of Fitaid, Mobility Package, Skill Sessions, and More.
- If you complete the entire board, you will be entered into the GRAND PRIZE drawing…6-Month Unlimited Membership ($1434 Value).

Each block must be signed off by a Bluprint Coach for it to count.
- Take a class time you don’t normally take: If you have been to all of the class times in your program, come to one that you do not typically go to.
- Take a selfie with another athlete, post on social media and tag Bluprint.
- Attend a minimum of 12 classes during the BINGO Challenge: Verification by your coach will be done by looking in our Wodify system, so make sure you are checking into class. If you don’t check in, it doesn’t count.
- Check in on Facebook to Bluprint Fitness Main Page and tag a buddy: Go to Facebook on your mobile device. At the top bar click Check In then type Bluprint Fitness in the top bar. Mention a gym buddy you worked out with or tag a buddy you’d like to jump in class with you!
- 7-Minute TGU or Burpee: Video yourself doing the 7-minute TGU test or show up when it’s programmed in class. Record your score in Wodify.
- Practice a skill you have never done before. See Training Tutorials for help: Are you working on Toes to Bar, Handstands, or Basic Kips? Spend 15-30 minutes before or after class working on a new skill. For help, tips, and how to’s: attend CF on Tuesdays or check out some Bluprint blogs.
- Send 3 song ideas to add to the Bluprint Fitness playlists: pick your 3 favorite workout songs and fill out the Google form HERE.
- Bring a friend to class: 1) CC your friend on an email to [email protected]. 2) Pick a class time (BPZONE on Tuesday/Thursday). 3) Get ready to have fun with your buddy! COVID-19 Substitute: Get a friend to complete 5 burpees. Ask a friend to video them completing 5 burpees and send it do you. To complete this square, show the video to a Bluprint Coach to secure the stamp.
- Do 5 burpees in public and tag Bluprint on FB or IG: Get creative, have fun, and BE SAFE! Post this in the member group on FB or on your Instagram.
- Fill out a Goals Worksheet and send it back to a Bluprint Coach Upon completion send to [email protected]
Download Goals Worksheet Here - Give a coach 5 burpees: Choose wisely, you only get to check this one off your list once. Make a coach do 5 burpees!
- Write a Google Review: Google: Type Bluprint Fitness into your google search bar. Next to our 5 Star google rating 🙂 click google review and then add your review. If you’ve already written one, take a screenshot and post it on FB or Instagram (tag Bluprint).
- Film a 30-90 second testimonial and send it to [email protected]: a) Name. b) What was life like before Bluprint Fitness – what did you struggle with or want to our help to achieve. c) What is life like after you’ve joined the program? [share a few results you’re proud of achieving here. d) What would you say to anyone on the fence about joining Bluprint Fitness? [Think: why you decided to give it a chance and why it was worth it]
- Complete a 30-Minute mobility session: this is done on your own and can be specific to you. This is 30-minutes straight of focused mobility work. If you need some ideas, check out the 10-Minute Mobility blog HERE.
- Introduce yourself to a newer Bluprint Athlete: when you see someone you don’t know or haven’t spoken to yet, introduce yourself and welcome them to the team!
- Post about something you are proud of: YOU ARE AWESOME – share something you are proud of in the Bluprint Members Only group.
- Wear a piece of Bluprint gear to class, work, or out and about and tag us on social media: Instagram (@bluprintfitness) or Facebook.
- Track your food on MyFitnessPal (or method of choice) for 7 consecutive days: 1. Track your food intake for 7-days (1-week including weekends) 2. Take screenshots or a screen video and send to [email protected] when complete.
- Complete a Saturday Partner WOD: Come to class on a Saturday and complete the workout with a partner.
- Tell a coach what you want to accomplish before year’s end: there are small and/or big things for you to still accomplish – tell a coach about them!
- Meal prep and take a picture of your food. To get the stamp for this one here you need to make some time over the weekend to prepare yourself for the week. This doesn’t have to be every meal for a week BUT it does need to show you have planned ahead and have some food ready to make your life easier. Take a picture of what you have planned and make a post in the Bluprint Member Group on FB and get a coach to sign off on it!
- Complete a workout on Thanksgiving: The gym is closed this day so you’ll have to get creative with this one. Check out a blog on bluprintfit.com for at-home ideas or jump in a Turkey Trot. Once complete post your fitness in the FB Member group or tag @bluprintfitness on Instagram to complete this square.
- 10-Min Echo Bike: Record your time in Wodify and show a coach day of completion.
- Share a bluprintfit.com blog on FB or share a Bluprint post on Instagram or FB: pick your favorite and show a coach you shared a blog or post to complete this square.
- Make a list of 10 things you are proud of: You’ve accomplished SOOO much this year! Write down what you’re most proud of and share with a coach or in the FB Member’s Only group.