2022 Event Calendar
- Collab: Atmos Coffee Shop
- Buddy Week: January 10th-January 16th
- HoliGAINZ Kick-Off Clinic: Saturday, January 15th
- HoliGAINZ Healthy Habits Challenge: January 17th – February 28th
- Collab: Spine & Sports Center of Chicago
- Facility Investment Program (aka new equipment): February 1st
- CrossFit Open 22.1: February 26th
- Collab: Chicago Plants
- CrossFit Open 22.2: March 5th
- CrossFit Open 22.2: March 12th
- Post-Open Party: Saturday, March 12th (Roots Pizza – West Town)

- Collab: Wazwan
- Buddy Week: April 18th – April 24th
- Murph Prep Program: April 11th – May 21st
- Collab: Upton’s Breakroom & Liberation Donuts
- Murph 2021: Saturday, May 21st
- Post-Murph Party: Saturday, May 21st (District Brew Yards)
- Collab: Bloomtime Coffee Roasters
- PRIDE WOD & Get Together: Saturday, June 4th (see HERE)
- Barbell Club: June 20th – July 31.
- Summer Social Series at Goose Island Taproom: Thursday, June 30th at 5:30pm

- Collab: Green Grocer
- Buddy Week: July 11th – July 17th
- Deadlifts & Donuts: Saturday, July 23rd
- Summer Social Series at Kaiser Tiger: Thursday, July 28th at 5:30pm
- Collab: Sol Chicago
- Facility Investment Program (aka new equipment): August 1st
- SOGO Kick-Off Clinic: Saturday, August 14th
- SOGO Body Comp Challenge: August 15th – September 23rd
- Summer Social Series at Midwest Coast Brewing Company: Thursday, August 25th at 5:30pm
- Collab: On Tour Brewing Company
- Summer Social Series at Great Central Brewing Company: Thursday, September 29th at 5:30pm

- Collab: Breakfast House
- Row Marathon Prep Program: October 3rd – October 29th
- Team Row Marathon: Saturday, October 29th (Gardeneer Charity Event)
- Collab: TBD
- Bluprint BINGO: November 1st – December 9th
- Buddy Week: Week of November 7th
- Fall Friendsgiving Potluck: November 12th at 6:00-9:00pm
- Collab: TBD
- Holiday Party: Saturday, December 10th

List By Category
Social Events
- FEB- BluCru Social Event: TBD (ex. shuffle board, whirlyball, etc.)
- MAR- Post-Open Party: Saturday, March 12th (District Brew Yards)
- MAY- Post-Murph Pizza Party: Saturday, May 21st (TBD Venue)
- JUN- Summer Social Series at Goose Island Taproom: Thursday, June 30th at 5:30pm
- JUL- Deadlifts & Donuts: Saturday, July 23rd
- JUL- Summer Social Series at Kaiser Tiger: Thursday, July 28th at 5:30pm
- AUG- Summer Social Series at Midwest Coast Brewing Company: Thursday, August 25th at 5:30pm
- SEP- Summer Social Series at Great Central Brewing Company: Thursday, September 29th at 5:30pm
- NOV-Fall Friendsgiving Potluck: Saturday, November 12th
- DEC- Holiday Party: Saturday, December 10th
Buddy Weeks
- Buddy Week: January 10th-January 16th
- Buddy Week: April 18th – April 24th
- Buddy Week: July 11th – July 17th
- Buddy Week: November 7th – November 12th
Fitness Events
- FEB- CrossFit Open: February 26th – March 12th
- MAY- Murph 2021: Saturday, May 21st
- JUN- PRIDE WOD & Get Together: Saturday, June 4th (see HERE)
- JUL- Deadlifts & Donuts: Saturday, July 23rd
- OCT- Team Row Marathon: Saturday, October 29th (Charity Event)
Specialty Classes/Programs
- APR- Murph Prep Program: April 11th – May 21st
- JUN- Barbell Club: June 20th – July 31.
- OCT- Row Marathon Prep Program: October 3rd – October 29th
- JAN- HoliGAINZ Healthy Habits Challenge: January 17th – February 28th
- AUG- SOGO Body Comp Challenge: August 1st – September 11th
- NOV- Bluprint BINGO: November 1st – December 9th
- JAN- HoliGAINZ Kick-Off Clinic: Saturday, January 15th
- AUG- SOGO Kick-Off Clinic: Saturday, July 30th
Facility Invest Program (aka new equipment)
- Facility Investment Program (aka new equipment): February 1st
- Facility Investment Program (aka new equipment): August 1st
Apparel Drops
- TBD Q1
- TBD Q2
- TBD Q3
- TBD Q4
- Atmos Coffee Shop (January)
- Spine & Sports Center of Chicago (February)
- Chicago Plants (March)
- Wazwan (April)
- Upton’s Breakroom & Liberation Donuts (May)
- Bloomtime Coffee Roasters (June)
- Green Grocer (July)
- Sol Chicago (August)
- On Tour Brewing Company (September)
- Breakfast House (October)
- TBD (November)
- TBD (December)
Programming (Tentative)