WOD Thursday CrossFit


WOD Thursday CrossFit

Bluprint Fitness – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Min Run/Row/Ride

Partner Dyna Hoops 2 Minutes @ 14+/16+

PVC Halo/Speed Skaters/Supermans 2x10e/10e/10 (30s)


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

3 Minute AMRAPs

1: 300m Row + MAX TGU (S-BW to AC, Rx-20/30, Rx+35/50)

2: 300m Row + MAX Alt DB Snatch (S-AC, Rx-20/30, Rx+35+/50+)

3: 300m Row + MAX Gle Plate Carry (S-AC, Rx-25/45)

4: 300m Row + Burpee Box Jump Overs (S-AC, Rx-20/24)

*2-Minutes Between Stations

*Record Total Reps

Cool Down

Partner Plank MB Push (3×16 )

In high plank position roll the ball to your partner using one hand – all while stabilizing hips
*1 Min Rest


Lax Ball Shoulder E/R Smash (1 Min Each)

Banded Chest Opener (1 Min Each)

Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch (1 Min Each)