Make Friends & Get In Shape – Crew’s Story


Make Friends & Get In Shape – Crew’s Story

Crews isn’t a stranger to hard work. In fact, she’s a busy professional who owns a business (shoutout to Canine Crews) so she knows how to get things done. But like most of us professionals, she found herself in a rut, focusing a lot of her attention on her professional life while her health took a back seat.

Before joining, Crews suffered from chronic back pain and had a hard time keeping a consistent fitness routine.

But Crews took a leap of faith and joined Bluprint Fitness in 2015 and has bee crushing it ever since.

Since starting, Crews has dropped over 50 pounds, attended over 1000 classes, and boasts a 260 pound deadlift – just to name a few of her accomplishments. But more importantly, she no longer has chronic pain and has met some of her best friends at Bluprint Fitness.

But as Crews will tell you, these results didn’t come overnight.

These results came from sticking to the plan, getting back on the wagon anytime she fell off, and continuing to fine tune her habits inside and outside the gym.

I asked Crews what keeps her coming back to Bluprint and she had this to say:

“The coaches but mostly the members. It’s a rewarding community that has brought me some amazing friends and great mental health – nothing beats workout endorphins.”

I also asked Crews what she would say to someone considering joining and she said this:

“Just give it a try for 3 months and you will know you’ve found your place!  I was so sore after my initial assessment and I was scared of something new, but each class got better and better.”

Bluprint Fitness is a community that helps busy professionals (like Crews) build the body and lifestyle they’re proud of year round.

And part of the program is creating an environment that’s fun, welcoming, and results-driven.

So if you, or anyone you know wants to get results and have fun doing it, fill out our online forms HERE and we’ll help guide you towards your best self.


Coach Byron