WOD Tuesday CrossFit
Bluprint Fitness – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 Min Run/Row/Ride
Partner Bear Crawl + Back Pedal 3xGLap (Partner Rest)
PVC Halo/Frog Jump/Pull Plus 2x5e/10/12 (30s)
Skill Practice
Handstand Walk (12-15 Minutes)
1. Wall Walk 2×2-3 (45-60s)
2. Box Pike Walk 2×180 Degrees (60s)
3. Kick Up 2 Wall 2×3 (30-60s)
4. Kick Up Walk to Wall 1-3 Steps 2×1
5. Kick-Up to Walk (IF at this point, teach forward roll)
Each progression should be 80% mastered before moving to the next.
Race-to-1500 (Time)
Row 1500m As Fast As Possible
Every 90s Perform 2 TGU (S-BW-15/20, Rx-20/30, Rx+30+/40+)
Record Time
Cool Down
Hollow Hold (2-3×20-30s )
*1 Min Rest
*S-Knees Bent
Foam Roll Lats
Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
Forearm Chest Opener