WOD Tuesday CrossFit


WOD Tuesday CrossFit

Bluprint Fitness – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Min Run/Row/Ride

Partner Sprint Relay 3 Minutes

KB Complex: Ribbon/Goblet Squat/Toe Tap 2x30s Each @20+/30+ (30s)

Skill Practice

Double Under Practice (10-12 Minutes)

10-12 Minutes

Step 1: 50 Singles

Step 2: Single-Single-High Single 2-3 Minutes (Rest A.N.)

Step 3: Single-Single-Double 2-3 Minutes (Rest A.N.)

Step 4: Double Unders Practice w/ Remaining Time

*Rest Plenty Between Sets

*RELAX – the DU is a skill that must be practiced in order to master.

Record Highest Consecutive DUBS


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

13-Minute AMRAP

500m Row

12 BB Front Rack Lunge (S-BW to 35/55, Rx-65/95, Rx+95/135)

12 Pull-Ups (S-Jumping/3010 Ring Row, Rx-Chin, Rx+C2B)

*Record Total Rds + Reps

Cool Down

SB Jack Knife ( 2-3×12 @ Slow Tempo )

*1 Min Rest


Lax Ball Rhomboid Smash (1 Min Each)

Foam Roll Glutes (1 Min Each)

Wall Stretch (1+ Min Each)