WOD Tuesday CrossFit


WOD Tuesday CrossFit

Bluprint Fitness – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Min Run/Row/Ride

Partner Wheel Barrel Walk 3xGLe ** Stay Hollow (Rest A.N.)

KB Ribbon + Goblet Squat + OH Hold 2×10/10/20s @ 20/30 (30s Rest)

Skill Practice

Handstand Walk (12-15 Minutes)

Handstand Walk Practice

1. Kick Up 2 Wall 2×3 (45-60s)

2. Side-2-Side Hand Shift on Box 2x10s (60s)

3. Shoulder Taps on Wall 2×10

4. Kick Up Walk to Wall 1-3 Steps 2×1

5. Kick-Up to Walk (IF at this point, teach forward roll)


Metcon (Weight)

12-Minute EMOTM

Even: 5 G2OH (Suggested Start: S-35/45, Rx-65/95, Rx+95/135)

Odd: 5 Bar Facing Burpee

Building Sets – Record Heaviest Set of 5 G2OH

Cool Down

Partner Side Bridge Ladder (2×1-5 each side *60s Rest)


Foam Roll Quads

Foam Roll Lats

Wall Stretch