WOD Saturday CrossFit


WOD Saturday CrossFit

Bluprint Fitness – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Min Run/Row/Ride

You’ve Been Served 3 Minutes (5 Burpee Penalty)

McKenzie Press-Up/Scorpion/Iron Cross: 2x10e (No Rest)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Team 22-Minute AMRAP (2-3 Athletes)

Cash-In: 1000m Row

10 DL (S-AC to 95/135, Rx-125/185, Rx+155/225) – Switch Every Rep

15 Synced Bar Facing Burpee (S-Step Over)

30 Air Squats – Switch Every 5 Reps

400m MB Transfer (Same WT as Wall Ball – Switch A.N.)

*Teams of 3: 2 Athletes Act as 1 (P1 Work/P2 Rest)

*Record Team Name/Rds + Reps

Cool Down

Plank Rope Pulls (3-5xGLe )

In plank position pull weighted rope hand over hand
*Rest A.N.

*Suggested WT: 30-70 lbs – STAY SQUARE


Lax Ball Standing Trap Smash (1 Min Each)

Foam Roll Quads (1 Min Each)

Wall Stretch (1+ Min Each)