WOD Saturday Barbell Club


WOD Saturday Barbell Club

Bluprint Fitness – Bluprint Barbell Club


Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Min Run/Row/Ride

Locomotor Movements 1xGLe Each

PVC Series: PT/OHS/SOTS 2x10e (30s)

Burgener Series: 2ea at High Hang, Then 2ea at Full @ Bar-95 lbs (60s)


1: Clean and Jerk (3@Bar, 3@50%, 2@65%, 1@75%, Then 4×1@80-90% )

*1-3 Min Rest

2: Back Squat (5@Bar, 5@50%, 3@60%, 2@70%)

Then Take 10 Minutes to Complete 8 Reps @ 80-85% 1RM

*No More Than 2 Reps at a Time

*Record Time in Notes

3: Floor Press ( 5@Bar, 3@50%, Then 3×8-12@60-65% or HBD WT )

*1-3 Min Rest

4: Athlete Specific Accessory (Coach Will Assign)


Metcon (No Measure)

*Partner Needed*

5-8 Strict Pull-Ups (S-Jumping Negatives, Rx-Chin, Rx+Wtd)

1-Minute Banded Bear Crawl

3-4 Rounds – Rest A.N.


Foam Roll Quads

Lax Ball Trap Smash

Coach’s/Athlete’s Choice