Transformation Stats – Katrina Froehlich
Member Since: June 2016
- Age: 28
- Body Fat % Dropped: 4.57%
- Total Fat Pounds Lost: 11.88 lbs.
- Strict Press 10RM: 65#
- Split Jerk: 75#
- Deadlift 8RM: 115#
- 2k Row: 9:17
- Favorite Food: Sandwiches and sashimi. Fatty White Tuna YES PLEASE
Top 3 Skills Gained
1. Kipping (on my way to a kipping pull up hopefully!)
2. Burpees can be fun. Honestly a good stretch of clean looking burpees make you feel invincible!
3. Making the commitment to spend that one-hour to kick your butt at the gym, gets so much easier once you just GO. Just go, and in the first 5 min you know you can do this.
Personal Transformation Description
Bluprint happened to be conveniently located to my workplace and apartment so I would see athletes hustling as I walked by to and from work. I’m so glad I stopped by to meet Janelle and Byron and the BluCru. I’ve always belonged to gyms before, but no environment or platform has been as welcoming and inspiring as Bluprint. I actually consider training at Bluprint one of my hobbies. Never thought that would happen!
It’s so great to have more energy and look and feel great in my jeans. My goal at the start was to look better in my clothes, and I’m getting there! I hope to try and master more CrossFit lifts and movements in my future at Bluprint.