Goals, Goals, We Want Goals!


Goals, Goals, We Want Goals!

In 2017 we started something new at Bluprint for setting and crushing our goals! I can personally say it worked awesome for me – As my 3 goals were ALL achieved. But setting goals isn’t enough to get you there – we have to TAKE ACTION.

If you reached your goals this past year, kudos to you and time to make some new ones!

If you didn’t reach your goals this past year for whatever reason, let’s move on and work harder than ever to reach them this year!

Your goals need to be:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Realistic
  • Timely

We are going to follow the same template as last year, but add a Physical Goal to the mix.

If you are new to Bluprint or don’t remember the categories, here they are:

  1. Gym Frequency
  2. Gymnastics
  3. Strength/Weightlifting
  4. Physical

Let’s start by writing a goal for each category. Here is an example of mine…

  1. Gym Frequency: 4-5 Fitness Days Per Week
  2. Gymnastics: 5 Unbroken Ring Muscle-Ups
  3. Strength/Weightlifting: 135# Snatch
  4. Physical Goal: See More Muscle Mass (measured by Jan 2018 and Jan 2019 HoliGAINZ after photos)

Now that the easy part is done, let’s dig a little deeper. The goals above are OUTCOME goals – which describe the results I want to achieve. For each outcome goal, we need to assign an ACTION goal – which is what I’m going to do to insure I achieve the outcome I’m looking for.

Here are my ACTION goals to support my OUTCOME goals from above:

  1. Gym Frequency: 4-5x Week (ACTION-Plan Schedule For The Week on Sunday Night to pick my Fitness/Rest Days)
  2. Gymnastics: 5 Unbroken Ring MUs (ACTION-Plan one 30 Min Skill Session per week outside of class AND if there is an option for RMUs in a workout I must do that workout)
  3. Strength/Weightlifting: 135# Snatch (ACTION-Jan/Feb Enroll in Open Prep Class will allow for Snatch technique and volume.)
  4. Physical Goal: See More Muscle Mass (ACTION-Periodic at least 1 week per month MyFitnessPal Tracking to ensure I am taking in adequate foods & Post Workout Shake)

Now that I have ACTION goals to follow through with my OUTCOME goals I have a PLAN. Without this PLAN our GOALS are merely IDEAS.

Fill out the template attached below and let’s make this upcoming year YOUR YEAR to CRUSH GOALS!!


Goal Template