


Bluprint Fitness – CrossFit


3 min run/row/ride/ski

Partner Spider Lunge + Sprint 2xGLap (Partner Rest)

McKenzie Press Up/Shin Box Rotation/Basic Kip 2×10/10/10 (NR)


Deadlift (5@Bar, 5@50%, 3@60%, Then 4×5@70-75% or HBD WT)

*1.5-2 Min Rest

*IF No Numbers Use 1RM Template: S-AC to 95/135, Rx-125/185, Rx+185/275

*ALL PRETTY – Dead Stop Reps – 18 Minute Clock


CrossFit Games Open 18.5 (Ages 16-54) 11.6 and 12.5 (AMRAP – Reps)

Complete AMRAP in 7 minutes of:

3 Thrusters, 100#/ 65#

3 Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups

6 Thrusters, 100#/ 65#

6 Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups

9 Thrusters, 100#/ 65#

9 Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups

12 Thrusters, 100#/ 65#

12 Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups

15 Thrusters, 100#/ 65#

15 Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups

18 Thrusters, 100#/ 65#

18 Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups

21 Thrusters, 100#/ 65#

21 Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups

This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 18,

go on to 21. If you complete 21, go on to 24, etc.
Thruster Options: (S1-Bar, S2-45/65, Rx65/95)

Pull-Up Options: (S1-Jumping/RR, S2-Chin, Rx-C2B)

*Record Total Reps

Cool Down

Side Plank: 2-3x30s Each (30s Rest)


Pigeon Pose (1 Min Each)

Kneeling Forearm Stretch (1 Min)

Lax Ball Standing Trap Smash (1 Min Each)