Bulletproof New Year’s Resolution


Bulletproof New Year’s Resolution

Do you find yourself setting vague lofty goals every year around this time?

When was the last time your resolution came to fruition? If you are like most of us you set similar resolutions year after year and never see them come true.

So how do we break this cycle?

Develop a Plan: Here is what I mean…do you think Gator Football goes into a game “wishing” for a win or do you think they draw up the best game plan possible to make winning a reality? You have to be willing to devise a plan, put in the work and pick yourself up and revise your plan if you aren’t successful the first, second or third time around. Plain and simple: PREPARE TO SUCEED.

One thing you might notice when you start to develop your plan of attack, is your resolution is not really your goal at all. You actually don’t want to do the little things you have to do to get there, and that’s fine. You just have to redefine your goal so that IT IS something you are willing to put in the work for. Here is what I mean: Say I want to conquer the muscle-up, but I don’t feel like setting aside 20 minutes 2-3 times a week to practice. Is this really my goal or am I just wishing on a star? Speaking of the muscle-up, which was my failed resolution for 2015… Here is the plan I am putting into place starting 2016. Last year I made my wish…well that didn’t work. So this year I made a plan:

  1. Spend 20 minutes per week for 4 weeks researching techniques, and “how-to” videos to get a well rounded perspective of what needs to be done to get to my goal
  2. Schedule 2 20 minute sessions per week to put what I am learning into practice
  3. Schedule 1 massage per month with an upper body focus to make sure my muscles are happy and moving efficiently

TIMELINE: By March 2016

Why do I put a timeline on my New Year Resolution? If I give my mind the entire year, I will do the same thing I did in 2015…wait until late November to think about it…and you see how far that got me. Also this gives me an opportunity to revise my plan of attack if needed.

CURRENT & FUTURE BLUPRINT ATHLETES: I challenge you to make a REAL New Year’s Resolution: one that includes a plan and a timeline. Break the cycle and set yourself up for success.

STOP wishing on a resolution and

START planning to succeed.


Coach J