

Bluprint Fitness – BPFIT


2 Min Run/Row/Ride/Ski

2 Min Partner MB Toss @ 14/20

F-Rack Rotation + Front Squat 2×10/5 @ Bar (30s)


PRIDE (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Partner AMRAP22

40 Cal RRS – Switch Every 10 Cal

30 Thruster (S-AC to 55/75, Rx-65/95, Rx+80/115) – Switch Every 5

20 Burpee Bar Hop (S-Step, Rx-Jump, Rx+Bar Facing) – Switch Every 5

*Record Total Team Rd + Reps

Bluprint Fitness isn’t just a gym; we are a melting pot of busy professionals from all different backgrounds, starting points, and orientations. We strive to create an environment where athletes feel welcomed and thrive being themselves. And with a team full of LGBTQ+ athletes and allies – we want to bring awareness and fight for what’s right with love.

Bluprint’s “PRIDE” named workout was created to raise awareness for LGBTQ+ community issues and to bring together progressive minds with a fun workout.


Chest Stretch (1 Min Each)

Wall Stretch (1 Min Each)