Building Backsides


Building Backsides

Baby Got Back…

Chances are if you are an active exerciser, you’ve got some form of aspiration to build a backside. Whether that’s to build for strength, build for looks, or boffum!

So let’s talk about some ways to build YOUR best backside.

Disclaimer: your goals should be specific to you. That means you should embrace building your best self, which has nothing to do with how anyone else looks. Comparisons only lead to insecurities and there is no room for that in your positive being.

Factor 1: Genetics

If you’ve read any of my other blogs about building up a certain part of your body, increasing strength, or anything health & fitness, you know how this goes. Genetically you are dealt cards that you have no control over. That means that we have to work with what we’ve got. Your ability to build muscle on the backside is influenced first by your genetics. And because we can’t go back and pick Serena Williams & J-Lo as our parents to give you the head start on building a backside, we’ve got to work with other strategies.

Factor 2: Mobility

Yes, that’s right. If you weren’t born with a developed backside, you’ve got to be mobile enough to build one. And one of the best ways to develop the backside is by performing full range-of-motion (fill in the blank – see factor 4). This means that my ankle, knee, and hip joint must function properly to recruit the backside. If you are looking for a place to start, start with the hip flexors/quads and incorporate stretches that allow your hips to move without traffic.

Factor 3: Activation

Let me make this REAL clear. The banded exercises you see Instagram models doing all the time claiming it’s a “booty builder” aren’t the movements that will grow your backside. However, these are the movements that will “activate” the backside so they can be recruited in the exercises that do build it up. Think of these as things to do BEFORE your main event backside builders: glute bridges, banded walk variations, banded hip external rotation variations, etc.

Factor 4: Biggest Bang For You Butt Movements

These are your tried-n-true movements, that when performed in awesome positions, recruit the backside like no others. All of these movements are designed to move joints through full ranges of motion in a controlled manner to ask the backside to work. Here are 10 exercises to start with:

  • Back Squat
  • Deadlift (Sumo & Traditional Stance)
  • Romanian Deadlift (RDL)
  • Barbell Good Morning
  • Bulgarian Split Squat
  • Barbell Lunge
  • Barbell Lateral Lunge
  • Box Step Up
  • Single-Leg Deadlift
  • Sled Work

IF you have aspirations of building YOUR best backside, here’s a Game Plan to get started.

Example1: Backside Workout

This example is if you are solely doing this as your workout of the day.

Mobilize (10-Min)

  • Foam Roll Calves (90s Each)
  • Foam Roll Quads (90s Each)
  • Foam Roll Glutes (90s Each)

Activate (10-Min)

  • 3 Min Run/Row/Ride/Ski
  • Hip Halo Activation Series

Backside Builder 1 (15-Min)

  • Back Squat: 8@Bar, 5@50%, 3@60%, Then 3×8@60-70% (1.5-2 Min Rest)
    • Pick a weight that allows you to perform squats in awesome postural position with full range of motion.
    • Maintain 2010 Tempo

Backside Builder Superset (15-Min): 3 Sets – 1 Min Rest Between Sets

  • Single-Leg Deadlift x 10-12 @ HBD WT
  • Upper Body Movement x 10-12
  • Lower Body Static Hold (Glute Bridge/Wall Sit/Etc.) x 30-60s

Mobilize (10-Min)

  • Static Calf Stretch (1 Min Each)
  • Wall/Couch Stretch (2 Min Each)
  • Pigeon Pose (1 Min Each)

Example 2: Backside Accessories

This example is centered on doing something in addition to your general prep workout of the day. These typically should be single-leg focused and sandwiched around your workout of the day.

Mobilize (10-Min) – Before WOD

  • Foam Roll Calves (90s Each)
  • Foam Roll Quads (90s Each)
  • Foam Roll Glutes (90s Each)

Activate (10-Min) – Before WOD

  • 3 Min Run/Row/Ride/Ski
  • Hip Halo Activation Series

WOD (60-Min)

  • TBD

Backside Superset (10-Min): 3 Sets – 1 Minute Between Sets

  • Bulgarian Split Squats x 8-12 Each @ HBD WT
  • Lower Body Static Hold (Glute Bridge/Wall Sit/Etc.) x 30-60s

Mobilize (10-Min)

  • Static Calf Stretch (1 Min Each)
  • Wall/Couch Stretch (2 Min Each)
  • Pigeon Pose (1 Min Each)

Past/Current/Future Bluprint Athletes: It’s important to understand that your results are specific to you and being your BEST SELF should always be goal #1. Get creative with the templates above and be smart about implementing this into your routine.

Keep Grinding!

Coach Byron