Overnight Oats


Overnight Oats

Over-Night Oats (Janelle’s Version)

½ Cup Gluten Free Organic Rolled Oats
¾ Cup Water
2 Tbs Ground Flax Seed
½ Cup Organic Frozen Berries (I normally use raspberries but use what you like
½ Tsp Cinnamon
Pinch of Sea Salt

Over-Night Oats (Byron’s Version)

1 Cup Gluten Free Organic Rolled Oats
1 ¼ Cup Water
2 Tbs Chia Seed
½ Cup Frozen Fruit (Mango, Strawberry, Raspberry, Blueberry, or Fresh Banana)
1 Tsp Cinnamon
1 Tbs Maple Syrup (optional)
Pinch of Sea Salt

Combine all ingredients in covered container and shake or mix so everything is evenly distributed. I normally put this together, throw it in the refrigerator and grab it the next day when I am ready to eat it. I personally prefer it cold.  If you are adding fresh fruit, like a banana, or nuts I suggest waiting until you are about to eat it so the fruit holds shape better and the nuts add a nice crunch (unless you would prefer it mushy).  Another fun additive is 1 Tsp of cocoa powder, which is great with raspberries or banana. Be as creative as you like to find what works best for you☺

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