How long have you been part of the BluCru?
June 2019
What was the problem you were having before you discovered Bluprint?
I wasn’t having a problem as much as I was simply on a journey. Bluprint came along when I was still learning what it meant to be an everyday athlete and exploring what kind of athlete I wanted to be. I had been involved in boxing and HIIT classes and Olympic lifting but never really followed a specific program; I knew there were more gains to be had if I found the right coaches and programs, and that’s what led me to BP.
Take us to the moment you realized what you were now doing was working.
There have been so many tiny moments along the way where I had clear reason to think, “Oh, wow, I’ve gotten stronger!” I think about all of the firsts that I’ve achieved—first pull-up, handstand push-up, lift meet, thruster, Murph, CrossFit Open—and how those “firsts” have been followed up with personal bests, form improvements, and physical transformations. It’s the accumulation of those moments that KEEPS me realizing every day that the Bluprint way really works and that I’m constantly improving because of it.
What is your biggest accomplishment at Bluprint?
Other than becoming a coach and realizing a fully different version of myself that I love more than any previous versions?! Hitting my 1,000th class was very cool, and I love that I can look back on old pics, videos, and measurements throughout my time here and see so definitively that I’ve come a long damn way.
What is your favorite thing to do at Bluprint?
Make Janelle squirm (especially at my love of the GHD). 😂 But I guess more seriously, I love skill days—there’s nothing better than skill development disguised as playtime, and it’s a uniquely good time to practice various athletic skills with your friends. I’m also a big fan of partner workouts and love the fitness events we participate in, including Murph, the Open, and 26.Blu.
What keeps you coming back to Bluprint?
The community, no question about it. Bluprint athletes champion one another in an incredible way; it’s something I love to facilitate and watch play out as a coach, and I love to experience as an individual athlete. Of course the programming is great, too, and that is a major factor in what keeps me here; participating in and coaching the Bluprint programs are an invaluable and ongoing learning opportunity for me, and even after 4+ years it still surprises me from time to time. 🙂
What would you tell someone considering joining?
Take a chance on discovering a version of yourself that is healthier, happier, better supported, and living with greater mental clarity, but be willing to put in the work and lean into the community along the way. It’s all in the name—Bluprint is a place that helps you construct meaningful goals specific to your life and desired outcomes, gives you the tools and knowledge to navigate toward those outcomes, and supports you every step of the way with coaching insight, good humor, flexibility, and the best dang squad of peer cheerleaders you’ve ever met.
What do you do for fun?
Lol. Come to the gym? I’ve been visiting the Morton Arboretum a lot—I love being outdoors and spend considerable time wandering the city on foot with Josh, planning backpacking trips, and going for early morning runs. I also love exploring vegan restaurants, bakeries, and coffee shops, and am always down to hang with my friends at those kinds of places.
What’s your favorite food?
This is impossible to answer…I love food. I love my overnight blueberry oats, Beacon donuts, Handlebar brussels sprouts, the Liberation Kitchen bánh mì, Seven Grams Caffe vegan chocolate chip cookies, basically any version of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Fueled by AF protein balls, homemade vegan cheese pizza, Pie Pie My Darling cake cups. Based on that short list, it maybe boils down to, “I love every carb under the sun”?
Coach’s Comments
Coach MaryRuth has been crowned as October’s AOTM! She’s put in some serious work inside and outside of the gym since becoming a member and really stepped up her game since becoming a Coach. She is also the newest member of the 1000 Class Club! Recently she’s built some ballin volume in her gymnastics skills (HSPU, kipping pull-ups, T2B, etc.) and crushed her very first Rx Diane and DT workouts. Other notable accomplishments include a Deadlift PR and new Front Squat 3 Rep Max. And while her performance progress is substantial, she’s also been putting in the necessary focus to shed 9.5% body fat since joining Bluprint Fitness in December 2017. When you see her in the gym, make sure to congratulate her on all her hard work and dedication!