WOD Tuesday CrossFit


WOD Tuesday CrossFit

Bluprint Fitness – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Min Run/Row/Ride

Partner SB Bounce Relay 3 Minutes

PVC Halo/SL Glute Bridge/Frog Jump 2x5e/5e/10 (No Rest)

Skill Practice

Pistols (10-12 Minutes)

1. Reverse Lunge w/ Toe Tucked 1-2x5e (30s)

2. Reverse Lunge w/ Toe Pointed 1-2x3e (30s)

3. Lunge w/ Foot Up 1-2x2e (30s)

4. Box Step Up w/ Slow Decent 2-3x (30s)

5. Pistol Practice (Free Standing or To Certain Height) Remaining Time

Each Step Should Be 80% Mastered B4 Moving On


Race-to-1500 Remix (Time)

Row 1500m AFAP

Every 90s Perform 6 Push-Ups

S-Negative 2 Knee, Rx-C2F, Rx+HSPU
*Record Time

Cool Down

Banded Palof Press (2x10e @ Slow Tempo *1 Min Rest)


Lax Ball Front Shoulder Smash

Chest Stretch

Pigeon Pose