Romayne Luna – February 2024


How long have you been part of the BluCru?

June 2022 (Almost 2 years, 21 months)

What was the problem you were having before you discovered Bluprint?

  1. I only measured my results through weight loss
  2. I only focused on cardio.
  3. Not performing challenging enough workouts
  4. No direction or true understanding of nutrition and its role

Take us to the moment you realized what you were now doing was working.

Not an exact moment…but working out and slowly being able to perform more movements RX and eventually completing full workouts RX. It’s the best feeling.

What is your biggest accomplishment at Bluprint?

I can’t just pick one! Here’s three…DUBZ, 3RM Back Squat, Push Ups

What is your favorite thing to do at Bluprint?

Deadlifts and/or 12 Days of Christmas

What keeps you coming back to Bluprint?


  1. The people are some of the best people I’ve ever met.
  2. Coaches hold me accountable and push me to do movements and weights that I’d never attempt on my own. They provide guidance and help with my overall confidence.
  3. The planned workouts. They are always challenging and never boring. I love doing repeat workouts as a way to measure my progress.

What would you tell someone considering joining?

Do it and stay consistent. You will see improvement mentally and physically. It may feel intimidating at times, but focus on the small wins and just keep showing up.

What do you do for fun?

Food. I enjoy trying out different restaurants in the city. Restaurant Week is my favorite.

What’s your favorite food?

Give me all the sweets, especially anything chocolate. (Donuts, cupcakes, muffins, cookies, etc.)

Coach’s Comments

Big shout out to Yuri for claiming AOTM for March! Since returning to Bluprint in July of 2023 after having Naveen she has been super consistent. She initially eased her way back into fitness but has recently stepped up her game. She has mastered 24 inch box jumps, is back to beautiful chest-2-floor pushups, tosses the 40# around with ease, and is pushing her weights with the barbell. She recently hit 215 for her 3RM back squat, a 100# thruster, and a 115# power clean. When you see her in class make sure to congratulate her on all her hard work and dedication!