How long have you been part of the BluCru?
October 2018 – 5.75 years
What was the problem you were having before you discovered Bluprint?
In 2012 I lost about 35 pounds by training for & running the Chicago marathon (slowly). I was able to keep up the running routine, doing a couple more marathons and a half dozen or so half marathons, and keep the weight off. But in 2016, after some repeat injuries, long distance running wasn’t really an option any longer. Plus….I didn’t really like it anyway. In 2018 I had just turned 40 and noticed that my weight was starting to creep up again and I was no longer keeping active. I started looking into CrossFit and HIIT options as a way to both keep the weight at bay and improve my overall fitness.
Take us to the moment you realized what you were now doing was working.
I think it was probably after about the first 4-6 months. I had gone through a couple of cycles and definitely noticed improvements in my overall fitness. I felt more comfortable with the various lifts and moving more weight, had more energy, and classes become something I looked forward to and not a task to check off.
What is your biggest accomplishment at Bluprint?
Becoming AOTM after almost 6 years? LOLOver the past 12-18 months, I have seen more gains by increasing my consistency to at least 4 and usually 5 days a week. That’s allowed me to improve my lifts and get some of the other movements that I’ve struggled with (bar hops instead of step over, pull ups, wall walks, etc.). I may not be able to Rx every workout, but I definitely don’t have to scale like a used to.
What is your favorite thing to do at Bluprint?
All the squats
What keeps you coming back to Bluprint?
One word – community. I love that BP is a place where you can feel challenged and accepted regardless of your age, body type, or skill level. Coaches meet you where you are at and help you set and achieve solid goals, all while maintaining a great atmosphere where you WANT to be. I also appreciate the variety of movements and intentionality of coaching. It keeps things interesting, fun, and challenging.
What would you tell someone considering joining?
Go for it. If you’re looking to get fit, feel supported, and have fun then you’re in the right place.
What do you do for fun?
Bluprint during the week. Otherwise, hiking, fishing, and other outdoor activities.
What’s your favorite food?
What’s in front of me? Something Italian if I can choose.
Coach’s Comments
Congratulations to John Smith for being named AOTM for May! Since joining Bluprint in September 2018 he has been a consistent member of the BluCru. He boasts a 285# back squat, 345# deadlift, 175# power clean, 225# front squat, 145# overhead squat, and 180# push press.
John has most recently stepped up his game with huge strides in his gymnastics movements conquering kipping pull-ups and wall walks. In addition to all of this, John has shed 4% body fat, dropping 10 pounds of fat and adding 4 pounds of muscle.
When you see him in the gym make sure to congratulate him on all his hard work and dedication!