Jeff Altman – September 2024


How long have you been part of the BluCru?

I started at Bluprint in October of 2022, so I’m just a few weeks shy of my 2 year anniversary.

What was the problem you were having before you discovered Bluprint?

Back in 2022 I was facing low energy and poor cardio. I was doing a lot of walking but never really felt like that was getting me anywhere I wanted to be.

Take us to the moment you realized what you were now doing was working.

When I started I was so concerned about being able to just get through the workouts. The moment I was no longer concerned and was looking forward to the next workout I knew something was working.

What is your biggest accomplishment at Bluprint?

While I could point at specific exercises that I’ve gotten stronger in, I think my biggest accomplishment is the confidence I’ve gained in challenging myself with new movements. From using taller and taller boxes in my box jumps, to do more exercises on the bar.

What is your favorite thing to do at Bluprint?

I love a good pop test. I’m all for any excuse to push myself on the rowers.

What keeps you coming back to Bluprint?

The people; coaches and members have fostered such a wonderful environment to work out in that I look forward to every workout. The programming works, too!

What would you tell someone considering joining?

Give it a shot! I was intimidated prior to joining, but figured it couldn’t hurt to give it a try and see how it goes. Turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve made for myself.

What do you do for fun?

I love spending time with my dog, watching movies, playing video games, and dabbling in photography.

What’s your favorite food?

I will always a weak spot of Ethiopian food.

Coach’s Comments

Shout out to Jeff for earning September’s AOTM. Jeff joined Bluprint Fitness in October of 2022 and has made huge strides in all aspects of his fitness. Jeff is pushing himself outside of his comfort zone by working on building his pull-up volume, challenging his box jump height, joining BP Strength Club and getting comfortable with uncomfortable weights. He is conquering his weaknesses to make them his strengths and continues to have a positive attitude while being endlessly coachable. When you see him in the gym – make sure to congratulate him on all his hard work and dedication!