Lose Body Fat Without Wasting Time!


Lose Body Fat Without Wasting Time!

It’s a common myth that in order to lose body fat you must:

  1. Spend countless hours in the gym.
  2. Spend most of that time doing “cardio”

In reality, losing body fat is about a good mix of nutrition, fitness, and accountability and that’s what Bluprint Fitness is built on. Those 3 pillars are what help athletes create their personalized Bluprint for health & fitness success.

So what does this mean at Bluprint Fitness?

  • It means athletes receive a healthy habits handbook to help guide them toward a healthy relationship with food.
  • It means that athletes have access to coach led & scientifically proven fitness classes.
  • It means that we, as a coaching staff, will teach you everything you need to succeed and hold you accountable to reaching your goals.

If you remember only one thing from this blog remember this:

It’s not just about working harder and it’s not just about working smarter… It’s about working HARDER & SMARTER!

So If losing body fat and getting strong while having fun is your goal – jump on the call schedule HERE so we can learn more about your goals and how we can get there together.

Hope everyone has a great weekend and stay safe out there!

Coach Byron