How long have you been part of the BluCru?
Since August 2020
What was the problem you were having before you discovered Bluprint?
I just moved to the city, I was doing at home workouts which I was consistent with, I wasn’t enjoying them, and I could tell I wasn’t putting in 110% effort. Working out seemed like a chore and I didn’t feel good about myself.
Take us to the moment you realized what you were now doing was working.
I look forward to working out now! On the days I go to Bluprint, I’m excited to wake up (since I’m a morning class person). I feel like I’m a part of something, the Bluprint community, and that feels SO good. I have a routine and I stick with it. I also feel strong mentally and physically.
What is your biggest accomplishment at Bluprint?
Chest to floor push-ups and getting more comfortable with barbell movements.
What is your favorite thing to do at Bluprint?
Skill sessions on with Coach Lindsay on Fridays Also… unpopular opinion: but I do enjoy grinding out some burpees.
What keeps you coming back to Bluprint?
The community! Other athletes who make the gym atmosphere fun and enjoyable. Not to mention, the amazing coaches who hold you accountable and challenge you. I also keep coming back because it benefits my mental health and often increases my mood. The vibes at Bluprint are U N M A T C H E D – positive environment and good energy.
What would you tell someone considering joining?
Step outside your comfort zone! I know it can be scary, but you will never know if you don’t try it. The other athletes and coaches are always encouraging and welcoming.
What do you do for fun?
I like to take walks with friends, find new coffee shops in the city, read, and watch Jersey Shore reruns (it’s my self-care, no shame here).
What’s your favorite food?
Any breakfast food: avocado toast, eggs, pancakes, breakfast burritos. YUM.
Coach’s Comments
Congratulations to Shannon Coyle for earning her spot as the March ATOM! Shannon joined Bluprint back in August 2020 and has been a friendly face in the gym ever since. She takes pride in learning the movements, works hard, and encourages the rest of the BluCru to be positive and get better. She has developed some beautiful chest-2-floor push-ups, added weight to her barbell, and can toss the 35# DB around with ease. Her hard work outside the gym is also paying off. Since joining, she’s dropped 4.99% body fat, shed 9 pounds of fat mass, and earned 2.4 pounds of lean mass. When you see her around the gym make sure to congratulate her on all the hard work and consistency!