How long have you been part of the BluCru?
I joined Blupring in September 2021 and haven’t looked back.
What was the problem you were having before you discovered Bluprint?
Before discovering Bluprint, I simply fell into a funk that helped pull me away from my regular gym routine. A necessary knee surgery and COVID only prolonged that funk and lack of routine.
Take us to the moment you realized what you were now doing was working.
I knew the move to Bluprint was working because I quickly got stronger, felt happier and no longer struggled to make 6am class. I still get shoutouts from friends and family on my changing appearance and gains too!
What is your biggest accomplishment at Bluprint?
I think my biggest accomplishments are growing with the amazing community and learning that listening to my body doesn’t mean weakness or laziness.
What is your favorite thing to do at Bluprint?
My favorite thing to do at Bluprint is crush a themed WOD dressed in theme with the BluCru.
What keeps you coming back to Bluprint?
My ongoing gains and the BluCru keeps me coming back.
What would you tell someone considering joining?
Try it out for a buddy week or the six week onboarding. You won’t need any more time than that to know this place is special.
What do you do for fun?
I like to try new restaurants, be outside whenever possible, practice a skill in open gym and hangout with my puggle Sherman.
What’s your favorite food?
Pizza or anything with some spice.
Coach’s Comments
Chris J has earned AOTM for June! He joined the BluCru in September 2021 and truly personifies the best of the Bluprint community – he’s committed to the grind (including doing homework outside of class!), is infinitely coachable, never settles for good enough in terms of movement patterns, and never encounters a stranger in the gym. He’s quick to make you laugh AND to believe in you.
Chris J is always jumping in Barbell Club to improve his lifting technique and has made significant progress in his gymnastics skills – building volume in T2B, HSPUs, DUBs, and handstand walks. Not only is he strong and capable but he does it with impeccable style.
When you see him in the gym make sure to congratulate him!