Coach’s Comments
Tok aka “Trademark” has been named AOTM for January! As our most recent inductee to the 1K Class Club, he is no stranger to the top of the committed club. So it’s clear that he is committed to the GAINZ. He has been a member of Bluprint for a little over 4 years and has added so much more to his typical bench press routine since joining. His 1RM Sumo DL is 425, 1RM Floor Press is 305, 1RM Push Press is 195, 1RM Back Squat is 325, 3RM Front Squat is 245, and his 1RM Thruster is 185. Not only does he have great barbell strength but he has really started to fine tune his gymnastics skills from double-unders to T2B to the upside down. He is always looking for ways to improve and welcomes feedback from coaches. Last but not least, Tok always brings the solid vocals, dance moves, and energy to class with him – morning or night based on what his schedule allows. When you see him in the gym – make sure to congratulate him on all his hard work and dedication!